Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
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EN4 quality controlled ocean data: EN4.0.1 data sources and acknowledgements


This page contains the data sources and acknowledgements for EN.4.0.1. The main data download occurred in September 2012.

Data sources and acknowledgements


Much of the data were obtained from the World Ocean Database '09 (WOD09; Boyer et al. 2009;, including any updates to the database that were available at the time.


From 1990 the WOD data are supplemented with profiles collected by the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Project (GTSPP; U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center: Global Temperature–Salinity Profile Programme. June 2006. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Oceanographic Data Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. Accessed 2013 onwards,


From 2000 Argo data downloaded from the global data assembly centres (Coriolis or USGODAE) are used. Argo data were collected and made freely available by the International Argo Project and the national initiatives that contribute to it ( Argo is a pilot programme of the Global Ocean Observing System.

ASBO data

Additional Arctic data were included in EN4. The data were collated as part of the Arctic Synoptic Basin-wide Observations (ASBO) project by Takamasa Tsubouchi at NOCS. This dataset is a collection of profiles from other sources. These are:

Other data are included in the ASBO dataset, but not used for EN4: WOD01 data are not used since WOD is already incorporated in EN4. Hydrochemical atlas of the Arctic ocean data are not used since these do not have temperature and salinity information.

Other acknowledgements

The dataset makes use of the results of quality control procedures that use altimeter data developed by Stephanie Guinehut, who also provided advice on the interpretation of the results. The quality control results were obtained from The technique is described in Guinehut et al. (2009).


T. P. Boyer, J. I. Antonov , O. K. Baranova, H. E. Garcia, D. R. Johnson, R. A. Locarnini, A. V. Mishonov, T. D. O’Brien, D. Seidov, I. V. Smolyar, M. M. Zweng, 2009. World Ocean Database 2009. S. Levitus, Ed., NOAA Atlas NESDIS 66, U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Wash., D.C., 216 pp., DVDs

Curry, R., 2001, HydroBase 2 - A database of hydrographic profiles and tools for climatological analysis.

Guinehut, S., C. Coatanoan, A.-L. Dhomps, P.-Y. Le Traon and G. Larnicol, 2009. On the use of satellite altimeter data in Argo quality control, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26, 395-402, DOI: 10.1175/2008JTECHO648.1

Swift, J. compiler. 2002. Physical and chemical properties from selected expeditions in the Arctic Ocean. Edited by R. Dichtl, Y. Axford, and T. Haran. Boulder, CO: National Snow and Ice Data Center. Digital media.

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